
Alpha 2.11.100.D28.N.B


High pressure pump mod. Alpha 2.11.100.D28.N.B

The high pressure pump model Alpha 2.11.100.D28.N.B is recommended for applications requiring consistency and reliability. In fact, our ALPHA series includes high-pressure pumps made with a technopolymer head and body and AISI 316 steel components. These materials are highly resistant to oxidation and salt corrosion. The brass inserts also allow temperatures of up to 65°. Our system features an inclined plate with 5 pistons so that the pump has a more regular flow and is less prone to vibration.

The ALPHA series has the considerable advantage of being directly flanged on the shaft of the electric motor in the male version, in order to optimise the overall dimensions and to avoid the purchase of the homokinetic joint and its connecting bell. All this means that vibrations and noise are extremely low.   

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Features High pressure pump Alpha 2.11.100.D28.N.B

Check the detailed technical specifications of the high pressure pump Alpha 2.11.100.D28.N.B

Type: High pressure pump
Flow rate: 50 Hz l/min 11 gpm 2.9 ; 60 Hz l/min 13 gpm 3.4
Diameter connection: 28 mm
Operating pressure: bar 100 ; psi 1450
RPM: 1450 - 50 Hz ; 1750 - 60 Hz
Engine: 2.1 Kw - 2.8 Hp - 50 Hz ; 2.5 Kw - 3.3 Hp - 60 Hz
Weight: Kg 7.5 ; lbs 16.5
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